Professional Research Award


Professional Research Award

Description:  This award recognizes work being done by professionals in Pennsylvania that contributes to further understanding of water quality treatment phenomena; enhanced system effects; guidance for process applications and treatment technology; improved facilities management; and other research areas that expand our water quality treatment industry’s knowledge. This award is presented by the PWEA Research Committee.
Award Criteria:  The award winner will be selected based on the impact of the research conducted in the field of water quality treatment and/or surface water quality.
Eligibility:  The individual recipient should be a member of PWEA and a professional working in the field of water quality treatment.  Preference will be given to long-time continuous members.
Nomination Process:  The Research Committee will review all nominations and will send a recommendation(s) to the Awards Committee; the Awards Committee is responsible for making final selection of award recipient.

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6th Annual Water-Themed Trivia Night, Hosted by PA-AWWA & PWEA YP's

Join us for the 6th Annual Water-Themed Trivia Night, hosted by PA-AWWA and...

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Lunchtime Talk with the PWEA Safety Committee

Create a Workplace Safety Committee in your workplace! The PWEA Safety Committee...

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